WVD Representatives

We are your WVD siblings. We are your contact points for assistance. We are willing to help with the daily tasks you struggle with. We are willing to answer phone calls at odd hours. We are willing to sit with you when you are in pain. We are willing to go to that appointment with you. Solidarity, siblings. 


Connie Chen || Founder

Hi I'm Connie! I am a current Senior in love with the English Department. But I was once Premed, and the purple Class of 2014. I was the one my hallmate called "disgusting" because I threw up every morning; the one carried to my first year writing course by mother because my legs were paralyzed, because the professor would not allow more medical absences; the one who was being "unfair to the other students" by asking for an extension; the one whose sickness professors did not believe; the one whose professor sent campus police to check on to see if I was lying; the one who was on chemo but just not bald--just yet. After my paralysis and hospitalization, my chemistry professor, who was aware of my health, did not offer any help. Before a long line of waiting students at the office hour,  I was told that I am not cut out for being premed, that I should just drop the course, and my lupus condition was openly discussed. That semester I vowed to do nothing but chemistry. I finished the course with an A- but my health deteriorated rapidly and I was forced to take a leave of absence. Unfortunately, I was not alone in sharing these frustrations on campus. In Spring 2013, I founded Wellesley Voices for Disability to advocate for myself and for my fellow sufferers. 


here i am!.png

Jeff Wu || McAfee hall

Hi, I'm Jeff! I use they/them and he/his pronouns, and I'm currently a Junior who is double majoring in Philosophy and Economics! As a Wellesley student who only recently had access to an A.D.D. diagnosis, I am continuously learning about support systems and academic accommodations. My goal is to help break down the stigma of accessible learning. 


Onema Ahmed